What is Contact Management?

What is Contact Management?

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Howdy y’all,

We are delighted to announce a new integration of CiviCRM with Open Social, a community engagement platform.

CiviCRM is the number one open source CRM for not-for profits, used by more than 11,000 organisations worldwide, and Open Social is a leading community engagement platform, used by over 1000 organisations in a range of different industries from Charities to member organisations and companies also.

It’s exciting news for organisations using CiviCRM, who will now be able to combine the power of CiviCRM with the collaboration and community building that the Open Social platform provides.
If you’ve not heard of community platforms before, a community platform is a tool that allows your organisation to create your own branded and tailored social network. Users of the platform (normally your members or supporters) can interact, join groups to share knowledge and exchange ideas, publish and promote events and collaborate within a safe online curated space. With a community platform you can expand your digital offer and strengthen your relationship with your supporters.

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Open Social is open source (much like CiviCRM) and as such has no user licences fees. This means it can be deployed affordably to scale to even the largest of communities. It’s also flexible with a huge range of different add-on modules that can be integrated to enhance the platform.

Our new two-way integration between Open Social and CiviCRM syncs data between the two platforms allowing information about the groups and committees that members have joined to be seamlessly synced to CiviCRM. You can even create Open Social groups and manage their membership directly from within CiviCRM, which would be useful for managing private groups in the case of committees or working groups.

By combining the data of a community platform with that in your CiviCRM your organisation can obtain deep insights into your members' interests and behaviours. You can see which groups are popular and engage with your members on topical issues, automating communications and tailoring their experience.

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A great example is a recent implementation for the UN’s PRI (Principles of Responsible Investment). Their user community includes over 2,900 organisations with over 40,000 individuals spread across 6 continents. Their Community Platform now supports discussions between 24,000 users with over 750 online collaboration spaces. The data is seamlessly synced to their CRM allowing for deep insight guiding their policy engagements.

As Open Social partners, we would be delighted to help you start your journey with Open Social and help you build your online community. We can help you through both the implementation and the CiviCRM integration (or other CRM integration such as Salesforce or Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM).

Please contact us through our website https://www.compuco.io/ or by email at hello@compucorp.co.uk.

Further information about Open Social can be found at their website: https://www.getopensocial.com/

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For every nonprofit, charity and membership organisation, the core of everything you do starts with relationships. Whether you're coordinating volunteers, engaging with donors, or managing members, maintaining these connections is vital to your mission's success. 

Enter contact management – a foundational practice that can significantly streamline and enhance your organisational effectiveness. But what exactly is contact management, and why is it so important for your nonprofit?

Understanding Contact Management

Contact management is the process of recording, organising, and managing your interactions with individuals and organisations. This includes collecting contact details, tracking communications, and maintaining detailed records of interactions, donations, event participation, and more. At its core, contact management helps you keep a comprehensive and accessible record of all your contacts, enabling more effective communication and relationship building.

For charities, nonprofits, and membership organisations, contact management is not just about storing information. It's about creating a structured approach to understanding and leveraging your network of supporters, volunteers, members, and partners to further your mission.

Key Benefits of Contact Management for Nonprofits

1. Enhanced Donor Relationships

For nonprofits, donors are often lifelines. Proper contact management allows you to track donor histories, preferences, and interactions. This data helps tailor communications and fundraising efforts, ensuring that your messages resonate and your supporters feel valued and understood.

2. Streamlined Membership Management

Membership organisations benefit greatly from contact management by maintaining up-to-date records of member details, renewals, and engagement activities. This ensures that members feel connected and appreciated, fostering loyalty and long-term commitment to your cause.

3. Centralised Communication

With a robust contact management system, all your communication history is centralised. This ensures that anyone within your organisation can quickly access relevant information, reducing the risk of miscommunication and enhancing collaboration across your team.

4. Improved Volunteer Coordination

Managing volunteers efficiently can be crucial for nonprofits. Contact management systems enable you to keep track of volunteer skills, availability, and past involvement. This means you can quickly mobilise the right people for the right tasks, enhancing your operational effectiveness and volunteer satisfaction.

5. Reporting Capabilities

Once you’re gathering a lot of information about your contacts, you’ll want a way to analyse it properly. A strong contact management system will let you compile reports and provide you with visual feedback on trends that might well help you better focus your efforts. 

Implementing Contact Management: Best Practices

Choose the Right System

Selecting a contact management system that fits your organisation's needs is crucial. Look for solutions that offer specific features for nonprofits, such as donor management, volunteer tracking, and event planning. Tools like CiviPlus are designed with these requirements in mind, providing an intuitive and comprehensive platform for managing your contacts.

Regularly Update Your Data

A contact management system is only as good as the data it holds. Regularly updating and verifying contact information ensures that your records remain accurate and reliable. This practice will also help in maintaining strong relationships with your supporters and stakeholders.

Segment Your Contacts

Segmenting your contacts into different categories – such as donors, volunteers, members, and partners – allows for more targeted and effective communication. Tailored messages are more likely to resonate with each group, driving higher engagement and support for your initiatives.

Train Your Team

Ensure that everyone in your organisation understands the importance of contact management and knows how to use your chosen system effectively. Provide training sessions and resources to help your team make the most out of your contact management tools.

How can CiviPlus help with contact management?

CiviPlus offers a comprehensive contact management solution tailored to the needs of charities, nonprofits, and membership organisations. With CiviPlus, you can:

  1. Enhance relationships: Maintain detailed records of donors, volunteers, and members, enabling personalised communication and efficient management of interactions. This helps build meaningful connections and improve donor retention.
  1. Save time and resources: Utilise features like automated reminders and centralised interaction logs to coordinate volunteers and manage member engagement more effectively, saving time and resources.
  1. Optimise with analytics: Leverage advanced reporting to track key metrics and trends, making data-driven decisions that enhance your organisation's impact.

Additionally, CiviPlus integrates seamlessly with existing systems, offers a configurable and user-friendly interface, and ensures robust data security to protect your information.


Contact management is a powerful tool that can transform the way charities, nonprofits, and membership organisations operate. By systematically organising and leveraging your network of contacts, you can build stronger relationships, improve operational efficiency, and ultimately, drive greater impact for your cause. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to enhance your current practices, embracing contact management will pave the way for sustainable growth and success in your mission.

Ready to take your contact management to the next level? Explore how CiviPlus can support your nonprofit's unique needs and help you build lasting connections. Get in touch today!

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