Integrated Nonprofit Website Builder

Introducing PlusCMS, our powerful easy to use website builder specially designed for nonprofits.

PlusCMS: The Ultimate Website Builder for Nonprofits

PlusCMS is a website builder designed to integrate with CiviPlus, with features specifically tailored for nonprofits, charities and membership associations.

It combines flexibility and ease of use to create a seamless experience for managing your online presence.

Payments icon
Online payments / donations
Embedded webforms
Donate icon
Seamless CRM integration
Host videos and images
News and blogs
Personalised content
List icon
Paywall content
Event listings
Resource Libraries
Location based searches

Flexible Page Building

  • Build and edit pages effortlessly with pre-made building blocks.
  • Choose from carefully curated content block templates.
  • Customise layouts to fit your nonprofit’s unique needs.

SEO & Marketing Tools

  • Use real-time SEO analysis to improve your content.
  • Full Google Analytics integration.
  • Customise metatags, sitemaps and vanity URLs.
  • Integrate easily with social media platforms like X, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

Accessibility Features

  • Meet WCAG compliance with built-in accessibility features.
  • Use content tools designed to meet the highest accessibility standards once your site is live.
  • Accessibility bar available to enable visitors to tailor their user experience to their specific needs.

Ready to transform your nonprofit's online presence?

Get in touch with us today to learn more about how PlusCMS can support your mission.

Get in touch